Continents in the World

Continents in the World

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Continents in the World

Seven continents of the world, their names as follows Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, North America, South America, and Antarctica. 71% of the earth is filled with water and 29% is Land. Billion years ago there was single massive landmass was called Pangaea, due to tectonic plates land broken into seven parts and separated called continents. According to some research still, North America and Europe are moving apart at the rate of 7 cm every year.

List of Continents in the World

S.No. Continent Population (2020) Area (Km²) Density (P/Km²) World Population Share
1 Asia 4,660,154,887 44,579,000 150 60.00%
2 Africa 1,355,873,530 30,365,000 45 16.72%
3 Europe 747,856,87 10,180,000 34 9.78%
4 North America 369,959,450 24,709,000 28 4.73%
5 South America 432,474,142 17,840,000 25 5.53%
6 Australia/Oceania 42,677,813 7,692,024 5 0.33%
7 Antarctica 0 14,200,000 0 0.00%

Continents with Country List

Asia Africa Europe North America South America Australia/Oceania
Russia Algeria Russia United States Brazil Australia
China The Democratic Republic of the Congo Ukraine  Mexico Argentina Fiji
India Sudan France  Canada Peru Kiribati
Kazakhstan Libya Spain  Guatemala Colombia New Zealand
Saudi Arabia Chad Sweden  Cuba Bolivia Marshall Islands
Iran Niger Norway  Haiti Venezuela Micronesia
Mongolia Angola Germany  Dominican Republic Chile Nauru
Indonesia Mali Finland  Honduras Paraguay Palau
Pakistan South Africa Poland  Nicaragua Ecuador Papua New Guinea
Palestine Ethiopia Italy  El Salvador Guyana Samoa
Myanmar Mauritania United Kingdom  Costa Rica Uruguay Solomon Islands
Afghanistan Egypt[a] Romania  Panama Suriname Tonga
Yemen Tanzania Belarus  Jamaica Tuvalu
Thailand Nigeria Kazakhstan  Trinidad and Tobago Vanuatu
Turkmenistan Namibia Greece  Belize
Uzbekistan Mozambique Bulgaria  Bahamas
Iraq Zambia Iceland  Barbados
Japan Morocco Hungary  Saint Lucia
Vietnam South Sudan Portugal  Grenada
Malaysia Somalia Austria  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Oman Central African Republic Czechia  Antigua and Barbuda
Philippines Madagascar Serbia  Dominica
Laos Botswana Ireland  Saint Kitts and Nevis
Kyrgyzstan Kenya Lithuania
Syria Cameroon Latvia
Cambodia Zimbabwe Croatia
Bangladesh Republic of the Congo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nepal Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) Slovakia
Tajikistan Burkina Faso Estonia
North Korea Gabon Denmark
South Korea Guinea Switzerland
Jordan Ghana Netherlands
Azerbaijan Uganda Moldova
United Arab Emirates Senegal Belgium
Georgia Tunisia Armenia
Sri Lanka Malawi Albania
Bhutan Eritrea North Macedonia
Taiwan Benin Turkey
Armenia Liberia Slovenia
Israel Sierra Leone Montenegro
Kuwait Togo Kosovo
Turkey Guinea-Bissau Azerbaijan
Qatar Lesotho Cyprus
Lebanon Equatorial Guinea Luxembourg
Brunei Burundi Georgia
Bahrain Rwanda Andorra
Singapore Djibouti Malta
Maldives Eswatini (Swaziland) Liechtenstein
Cyprus Gambia, The San Marino
Cape Verde Monaco
Comoros Vatican City
São Tomé and Príncipe

Facts About 7 Continents in the World

    1. Russia is part of both Europe and Asia.
    2. About 75% of Russian territory is located in Asia. on the other hand, 75% of the Russian population lives in Europe
    3. Hawaii is politically part of North America, but geographically it is not part of any continent.
    4. In term of size and population, Asia is the largest continent
    5. Asia covers 1/3 of earth surface
    6. Asia has 30% of the world land and 60% of the population
    7. Mount Everest, which is 29,028 ft is the highest point on earth is in Asia
    8. World two most populous country India and China and the largest country is Russia is in Asia
    9. Asia has 48 countries.
    10. Africa is the second-largest continent in the world
    11. World’s longest desert – The Sahara and world’s longest river is the Nile is in Africa
    12. Ethiopia is the world’s hottest place is in Africa
    13. More than 50% of the world’s gold and 95% diamond come from mineral-rich continent Africa
    14. The equator passes through the middle of the Dark Continent and it receives direct sunlight throughout the year
    15. Australia is surrounded by water on all sides
    16. Australia is the smallest continent in the world and also called the island continent
    17. Two-thirds of Australia is desert land
    18. Sheep population in Australia is 14 times the human population lives
    19. Australia is home to over the 500 different species of eucalyptus trees
    20. The Great Barrier Reef is around 2000 kilometres long is in Australia
    21. No of countries in Australia is 3
    22. Europe is separated from Asia by the Ural mountains and the Caspian Sea
    23. Mt. Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe
    24. The Balkan ranges, Pyrenees, Apennines, Cantabrian, and the Dinaric Alps are some of the major mountains in Europe.
    25. Europe is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea in the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north on three sides
    26. The Volga is the longest river in Europe
    27. The Danube is the second largest river Europe passes through five capital of cities
    28. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world is in Europe
    29. Danube, Elbe, Loire, Oder, Dnieper and Don are the major rivers of Europe
    30. Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark together form the Scandinavian countries
    31. Moscow is called the ‘Port of Five Seas’
    32. North America is the only continent with every type of climate and has five time zones
    33. North America’s population density at 22.9 per square kilometre is the highest among the other continents
    34. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world is located in North America
    35. Mississippi (3778 km) is the world’s third-largest river is located in North America
    36. World largest river as per water volume  and second longest Amazon river is located in South America
    37. The Angel fall is the world’s highest waterfalls is located in South America
    38. Mt. Cotopaxi and Mt. Chimborazo are the world’s highest volcanoes are found on South America
    39. Brazil, the country which is the largest coffee producer in the world, is in South America
    40. Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt lake is in South America
    41. Titicaca is the world’s largest lake 3800 m is in South America
    42. The Andes is the second highest mountain range in the world after the Himalayas is located in South America

Source: worldometer ,wikipedia

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